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Sleep related terms

- P -

  • Parasomnia

  • An event happening during sleep, or induced or exacerbated by sleep, such as sleepwalking or asthma; not a dyssomnia.

  • Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND)

  • Respiratory distress and shortness of breath due to pulmonary edema, appearing suddenly and often awakening the sleeping individual.

  • Pathological Sleep

  • Abnormal sleep patterns.

  • Pavor Nocturnus (Night Terrors)

  • See Night Terrors.

  • Perceptual Disengagement

  • Change in consciousness at the onset of sleep when environmental stimuli are no longer perceived, and there is no longer any conscious, meaningful interaction with the environment.

  • Periodic Breathing

  • Repetitive apneic pauses, common in premature infants.

  • Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

  • Also known as periodic leg movements and nocturnal myoclonus. Characterized by periodic episodes of repetitive and highly stereotyped limb movements occuring during sleep. The movements are often associated with a partial arousal or awakening; however, the patient is usually unaware of the limb movements or frequent sleep disruption. Between the episodes, the legs are still. There can be marked night-to-night variability in the number of movements or in the existence of movements.

  • Persistent Insomnia

  • Continuing insomnia responding poorly to treatment.

  • Pharynx

  • Area posterior to the nares and the oral cavity; passageway for air from the nasal cavity and/or the mouth to the lungs via the larynx and the trachea, for food and liquids from the mouth to the esophagus

  • Phase advance

  • Movement to a position earlier in the 24 hour sleepwake cycle of a period of sleep or wake; for example, a shift of the sleep phase from 11 p.m.7 a.m. to 8 p.m.4 a.m.

  • Phase delay

  • Phase delay is exactly the opposite of phase advance, i.e., a shift later in time.

  • Phasic (Event/Activity)

  • Brain, muscle, or autonomic related event of a brief and episodic nature occurring in sleep. Usually occur during REM sleep, such as eye movements and/or muscle twitches

  • Photoperiod

  • Duration of light in a light/dark cycle.

  • Pickwickian Syndrome

  • Obesity accompanied by somnolence, lethargy, chronic hypoventilation, hypoxia, and secondary polycythemia (a condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells); usually has severe obstructive sleep apnea

  • Pineal Gland

  • Gland in the brain secreting the hormone melatonin.

  • PLMD-Arousal Index

  • Number of sleep-related periodic leg movements per hour of sleep that are associated with an EEG arousal

  • PO2

  • Partial pressure of oxygen (O2) in the blood. A value above 60 is usually considered a safe level: lower than 60 indicated hypoxemia and potential danger for the patient.

  • Polycyclic

  • Multiple sleep periods and wake periods in a 24-hour day.

  • Polysomnogram (PSG)

  • Continuous and simultaneous recording of physiological variables during sleep, i.e., EEG, EOG, EMG (the three basic stage scoring parameters), EKG, respiratory air flow, respiratory excursion, lower limb movement, and other electrophysiological variables.

  • Polysomnograph

  • Biomedical instrument for the measurement of multiple physiological variables of sleep

  • Polysomnographic Technologist

  • Health care professional trained in performing diagnostic sleep studies

  • Post-Prandial Drowsiness

  • Sleepiness that occurs after a meal, usually lunch

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Re-experiencing of a traumatic event in the form of repetitive dreams, recurrent and intrusive daytime recollections, and/or dissociative flashback episodes.

  • Premature morning awakening

  • Early termination of the sleep period in a sleep maintenance DIMS due to inability to return to sleep after the last of several awakenings

  • Prescribed CPAP Pressure

  • Pressure(s) or settings determined by a CPAP titration sleep study, which a physician prescribes for a patient's CPAP therapy machine

  • Pulse Oximetry

  • Non-invasive measure of oxygen saturation; that is the amount of oxygen saturated in the hemoglobin in terms of percentage; not as accurate as the values obtained from an arterial blood gases (ABG) test and should only be used as a gauge of oxygenation. Normal ranges are between 95-100%.

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Sleep Related Terms

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